Change made easy – the basic idea
Our brain can think, consciously and unconsciously. Conscious thinking (also called our head, mind, spirit) is a very energy-sapping, slow mode; therefore, there is a kind of agreement between the conscious and subconscious minds: we learn new things with the conscious mind through repetition – and with a lot of energy expenditure. With each repetition, we train the corresponding synapses and after a few times, these practiced thought and action processes end up in our subconscious… as what we commonly call habits. From there, they can simply be played out like an autopilot – without thinking, great energy expenditure or memory. An “I do/think” becomes a fully automatic “it does/thinks in me…”. Brain researchers say that we do up to 70 percent of our actions in this way. Write it down: our subconscious operates at an incredible 10 million bites/sec., which makes the “measly” 50 bites/sec. of our conscious mind look pretty old.
The subconscious – a friend and helper who makes our lives easier?
Yes, in the basic configuration that is the case. The only problem is that our subconscious autopilot does not recognize the difference between good and bad habits. All our old fears, doubts, critical voices and everything that society has “forced upon us” at some point are also nonchalantly stored there. When the “right” trigger comes along and the “right” reward beckons, the thought/behavior we once learned is repeated over and over again. A bit like a stuck record – even if today we would rather rock our lives instead of listening to the blues. In this case we might wonder why happiness comes to others so easily and why it is so difficult for us to give up unpleasant behavior or achieve our desired goal. In relation to our success, our happiness and our goals, there is basically only one question: have we – at some point – automated what brings us closer to all of this or what keeps us away from it all.