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Business Coaching Munich for Career & Potential

There’s a crack in everything – that’s how the light gets through.


Coaching as a collaborative, dynamic process helps you to identify your goals, overcome obstacles and develop your full potential. I work with targeted questions that help you to think about the current situation in a completely different way and gain new perspectives. Of course, I support you emotionally, with constructive feedback and creative tools. I work in a radically client-oriented way: you are the focus, I make customized offers and you choose what suits you best. This way you find your own answers and solutions and implement concrete action plans. This gives you a lasting feeling of self-efficacy (I can do it! I know how to do it!) and makes personal and professional growth easy.


  • Fulfilling life & Work – Are you “somehow” dissatisfied? Together we will discover your strengths, skills and successes. We will also uncover unfulfilled desires and hidden potential.
  • Self-consciousness – Do you want to show yourself in the best light and shine when it matters? Together we will find your channel for a present attitude and a confident feeling. You will also understand what steers the conversation dynamics in your favor.
  • Making sound decisions – Do you want clarity about path A or B? Together we will analyze your situation, sort out your emotions and take a look at your inner compass. And we will provide you with courage and the desire to create.
  • New in role/task/project – Is a successful kick-start important to you? We analyse the initial situation, the framework conditions, your networking opportunities and possible pitfalls – within you and your environment. And we create your vision with suction.
  • Saying no means saying yes to yourself – We understand how you can perceive your own needs and limits and express them clearly and appreciatively. The same goes the other way round – I support you in calmly dealing with negative feedback or a no from others.
  • Mastering conflicts and crises – Conflicts and crises hurt! And at the same time, there is always a hidden treasure in both. I provide a strengthening, protected space in which you can get back on your feet. And we understand the message that the conflict/crisis represents. So we use this to bring about change in feasible, coherent steps.
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Door opener to my world. Each of us carries within us a world made up of unique goals and paths. Only one thing is the same for all of us – we always carry the key to this world within us. In my coaching, you will find inspiring space with genuine appreciation and effective tools that will help you remember your uniqueness, your strength and your path.