One must dare the impossible to achieve the possible
√ Clarity – You know what you no longer want and want to move away from. But your new ideas are rather abstract (“something creative, something meaningful, something with people”) or even hidden in the future. We will understand where you are headed by looking at your best hopes and longings. And we will match your profile with job options (strengths and skills profile, biography work).
√ Satisfaction & self-confidence – you know what you want and what fulfills you – there’s this dream. But there are inner voices that work against the dream (“later”, “only if …”, “that’s too risky”, “I don’t dare”). We will strengthen your self-confidence, transform negative beliefs (empowerment, inner team) and develop experiments to feed your gut feelings (creative problem-solving ability, resource work).
√ Successful, yet unfulfilled – You are successful in what you do. But gradually, you are loosing fulfillment, meaning and ease. You may not call it that, but there is a longing for an identity shift. We will focus on best hopes and resources in this phase of life and develop a deeper understanding of the inner logic in your life path and explore what gives you meaning for the years to come.
√ Focus & energy – If you’re honest, you are too busy and/or exhausted to approach your professional transition with calm and confidence. You get bogged down in everyday life, take care of others or other things, and find little time for yourself and a deeper focus. We will understand negative drivers and will deal with your energy management first. Resourceful and whole, we dive deeper into best hopes for your career.
√ Letting go to get ahead – You like to plan and do the same with your broader future. But when future becomes uncertain, you find yourself stuck with this planning strategy. As the future is always unpredictable, planning is not the right tool. Here, it is important to learn to let go with a beautiful, big vision in mind and experiment with serenity and one step at a time.
√ Boldness and connectedness – You apply for jobs, but by the time of the interview, you lose your flow and persuasiveness. Somehow, you are not well connected with yourself and/or others and your light doesn’t shine as it could. We will overwrite negative past experiences with powerful imagination, help you focus on the key messages and stay connect with relaxed joy.
√ Strategy & negotiation skills – You actually like your job, but you do not like the poor pay and/or unfulfilling working conditions. Somehow, your ideas are not getting through. Here, it is important to develop self-confidence to enter the negotiation round with good arguments and strategic overview.
√ “Bring your whole self to the table” – You know where you are headed and are already on your way. However, along the way, you notice that you are missing a “feature” that you need for your role. Qualities like persuasiveness and visionary power, strategic thinking, empathy, perseverance and assertiveness, joy in networking, connecting, decision-making or courage. We will switch into coaching to develop this new feature.

The map is not the territory – our logical thinking plans slowly and step by step. Our intuitive mind is faster, working more globally and holistically. It integrates facts & figures, feelings, perceptions and experience. To blend logical and intuitive thinking, I apply methods from constellations, embodiment, imagination, creativity techniques as design thinking and work with images, storytelling and mindfulness. Research proofs this blend as very reliably after the so called incubation phase, when enough information has been gathered.